Since 1988, Griggs & Maloney has designed effective solutions for the management and treatment of water needs in both municipal and industrial markets. Our veteran-experience enables us to advise on the most efficient and effective solutions during front end strategy and planning, while also providing continual support through feasibility, engineering, and construction. We have a strong commitment to improve the world’s most essential commodity via innovation and sharing best practices.
Griggs & Maloney provides comprehensive wastewater services to move public, private, and industrial projects from conceptual planning through design, financing, permitting, construction, start-up and operation.
We assist public and private clients with modern wastewater treatment plants and collection systems, aging treatment and collection infrastructure, and water reclamation facilities. Our engineers have designed many types of water reclamation facilities with various process components. We are not tied to a specific process; we are dedicated to designing a plant that exceeds effluent quality expectations, maintains acceptable initial capital costs, and provides the operational flexibility required. We also aid with projects regarding NPDES compliance, anaerobic digestion and biogas, sewer system rehabilitation, and pump stations.
Water Treatment Plant Design
Process Water Reclamation Facilities
Sewer System Rehabilitation
Solids Management
Odor Control/Air Quality
Large Diameter Forcemain
Lift Stations
Hydraulic Modeling
Flow Wqualization

Developing and protecting our water resources requires sophisticated engineering expertise. For many years, Griggs & Maloney’s team of licensed professional engineers, qualified hydrologic professionals (QHP), and certified floodplain managers (CFM) have provided clients with the benefit of a diverse mix of experience. G&M uses the latest state-of-the-art modeling software to model the outcome of rainfall events and protect infrastructure, people and property from flood damage.
We design and evaluate the safety of dams, levees, reservoirs; we develop stormwater management programs that utilize sophisticated technologies to address erosion and other quality issues that impact water quality; and, we design and implement stream restoration and bank stabilization programs. Since streams and wetlands are ideally linked, we also provide wetland mitigation/restoration assessment and design services. Adding value in the design effort is a basic rationale for engineering. G&M is experienced in taking complex situations and identifying appropriate simplifying assumptions that aid value engineering analysis.
Stormwater Management
Watershed Planning & Management
Water Quality Management
Leachate Management
Ecosystem Restoration
Safe water is the foundation of thriving communities, and Griggs & Maloney is helping to address that need worldwide by producing safe, high-quality water at the tap consistently and cost effectively.
Our engineers make accountable decisions in the planning and design of well fields, reservoirs, treatment plants, storage, pumping and distribution systems. When it comes to maintaining the viable operation of source, treatment and distribution systems, we work with you to get your facility running and help streamline the process. G&M understands the differences in industrial water treatment and are experienced to provide services that address the specific needs of these projects.
Groundwater Wells
Treatment Process Design
Water Conservation
Water Reuse
Aquifer Recharge
Reservoirs & Storage